After all, God's bounty for all the open door.
On this day we celebrate the return of the prodigal son, which is the divine fathers put in transistors in second place for the following reason.
As some of you know of a lot of transgressions, from youth alive whoring, spending time idly, in drunkenness and uncleanness, and thus having run into the depths of evils, are giving up, which is the offspring of pride. Therefore, they did not want to go to the correct, exposing (as an excuse) capture evil, causing flow into the more evil.
Fathers, showing to those people and paternal benevolence and wanting to save them from despair to offer here this parable after the first, pulling out the roots that passion will raise them to the acquisition of virtue, revealing much sinned, prodigal preblagoe God's mercy, showing through the parable of Christ that there are no sins that can surpass his humanity.
So, the two sons of man, that is God-Word - is righteous and sinful. Senior - it was always in the commandments of God and in His grace, and never departed from him. The youngest - who loved sin and through things of dishonesty fallen away from being with God, sin, God depleted humanity living whoring. He did not keep chastity obey evil demon and lust enslaved to his will, but he could not satisfy the requirements. For sin, stirs up the habit of temporary pleasure, insatiable, and the Lord in the parable likens his horns - food pigs, because the horns seem sweet at first, and then there are hard and rough, like weeds, as well, and sin.
Finally, coming to himself, the prodigal (son), dying of hunger virtue, returns to the Father, saying:Father I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called your son(Luke 15, 8). But Father accepts the repentant without reproach, with open arms, showing the divine and fatherly love. And gives him clothes, that is baptized, print and betrothal - the grace of the Holy Spirit, to the same and boots to now snakes and scorpions do not bite his foot down, but on the contrary, themselves crushed their heads. Then my father for him with great joy stabs fatted calf - his only Son, and Holy Communion gives his Body and Blood.
And, as if surprised at the infinite mercy of the Father, the eldest son expresses all his indignation. But mankind and leads to silence, inviting quiet, gentle and supportive words, saying: "You are always with me, and I had to share with the Father feast and rejoice that this my son was dead before sin -and is alive again, repenting of reckless affairs, lost, habit from me to sin, - and I have found the victims (for him) in His mercy, and encouraged him in His mercy "(cf. Lk. 15, 31-32).
This parable is also applicable to the Jewish people, and to us. The reason it is placed here by the Holy Fathers, which, as mentioned above, remove despair and indecision start a good life, teaches repentance and conversion sinner like the prodigal. For remorse - the best weapons and strong support against demonic arrows.
Christ our God, by Thy ineffable philanthropy mercy on us. Amen.
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