Saturday, 22 February 2014

Services of the Triodion for the Sunday of the Last Judgement


‘Lord, I have cried unto Thee…’

(6 stichera of the Resurrection in the tone of the week, then:)

Tone 6 (special melody: ‘Have set all your hope…’)

Righteous Judge of all mankind!
Thou wilt come to judge the living and the dead,
Enthroned in glory and escorted by Thine angels.
Every man will stand in fear before Thee,
Trembling at the river of fire flowing past Thy throne,
As each one waits to hear the sentence he deserves.
On that awesome day have mercy on us as well, O Christ;
Count us worthy of salvation,
For, worthless as we are, we turn to Thee in faith,
Compassionate and merciful Lord!

The books will be opened and the works of all men laid bare:
The vale of tears will echo with gnashing of teeth;
The sinners will mourn in vain, as they depart to eternal damnation.
Thy judgements are just, O Lord Almighty!
We beg Thee, Master, full of goodness and compassion:
Take pity on us who sing to Thee, most merciful One!

The trumpet shall sound and the graves shall be opened:
All mankind will arise in trembling;
The righteous will rejoice, as they receive their reward,
But the wicked will depart to eternal fire with wailing and horror.
Lord of Glory, have mercy on us!
Number us with those who love Thee, Master,
For Thou alone art good!

I shudder in terror when I think of that dreadful day;
I weep as I consider the darkness that will never see light:
There the worm shall not cease, or the fire be quenched;
The pain of those who reject Thee will never end.
Save me, Thy most worthless servant, Righteous Judge,
For Thy mercy and compassion are my only hope!

Glory… Tone 8

When the thrones are set in place and the books are opened,
Then God will take His place on the judgment-seat.
What a fearful sight,
As the angels stand in awe and the river of fire flows by:
What shall we do, who are already condemned by our many sins,
As we hear Christ call the righteous to His Father’s Kingdom,
And send the wicked to eternal damnation?
Who among us can bear that terrible verdict?
Hasten to us, Lover of mankind and King of the universe:
Grant us the grace of repentance before the end and have mercy on us!

Now and ever… (Then the Theotokion of the Resurrection in the tone of the week)


(Of the Resurrection, then:)

Glory… Tone 8

Woe to thee, my darkened soul!
Thy life is stained by depravity and laziness;
Thy folly makes thee shun all thought of death.
How complacent thou dost remain!
How canst thou flee the awesome thought of judgement day?
When wilt thou change thy way of life?
On that day all thy sins will rise against thee:
What wilt thine answer be then?
Thine acts will condemn thee; thy deeds will expose thee.
The time is at hand, O my soul.
Turn to the good and loving Saviour!
Beg Him to forgive thy malice and weakness, and cry in faith:
I have sinned, Lord; I have sinned against Thee!
But I know Thee as the Lover of mankind.
Good Shepherd, call me to enjoy Thy lasting presence on Thy right hand!

Now and ever…

Unwedded Virgin,
Thou hast ineffably conceived God in the flesh!
Mother of God Most High!
Accept the cries of thy servants, blameless one!
Grant cleansing of transgressions to all!
Receive our prayers and pray to save our souls!

For the Apolytikion we sing Hail, Theotokos Virgin, Mary full of grace… three times.


After the psalms of the Polyeleon we sing Psalm 137: ‘By the waters of Babylon…’, to a slow and solemn melody. At the end of each verse we sing Alleluia and make a deep bow. After the reading of the Resurrection Gospel we sing ‘Having beheld the Resurrection…’, Psalm 50, and the Lenten verses: ‘Open to me the gates of repentance…’.

The Canon, in Tone 6 (by Theodore the Studite)

For the Canon, we use four troparia (including the irmos) from the Canon of the Resurrection, and two troparia from the Canon to the Theotokos—both in the tone of the week from the Octoechos; then we sing the Canon of the Triodion with eight troparia:

Canticle One:

Irmos: A helper and a protector,
He has become my salvation.
This is my God, I will glorify Him,
My father’s God will I exalt,
For gloriously hast He been glorified.

Refrain: Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! (and so before each Troparion)

As I ponder and look towards the dread day of Thine ineffable coming,
I tremble with fear.
Then wilt Thou sit and judge the living and the dead,
My all-powerful God.

When Thou wilt come, O God,
With the thousands and ten thousands of the heavenly ranks of angels,
Count me worthy in my wretchedness, O Christ,
To meet Thee in the clouds.

Come, my soul, and call to mind the very day and hour
When God shall stand before thee visibly;
Then weep and lament,
And so shalt thou be found pure in the hour of trial.

Terror and amazement seize me
When I think of the unquenchable fire of Gehenna,
Of the bitter worm and gnashing teeth.
But release me and forgive me, O Christ,
And set me in the ranks of Thine elect.

Unworthy though I be,
May I also hear Thy voice
That so greatly desired, calls Thy saints to joy,
And may I attain the ineffable blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Do not enter into judgement with me,
Bringing before me the things I should have done,
Examining my words and correcting my impulses.
But in Thy mercy overlook my sins and save me, Lord almighty.


Unity in three Persons, sovereign Lord of all,
Source of perfection, God without beginning,
Father, Son and All-Holy Spirit,
Be Thyself our salvation.

Now and ever… The Theotokion:

Who has ever begotten a son
Not sown by a father according to the law of nature?
Yet the Father begets such a Son without a mother!
Most strange and marvellous wonder!
For thou, pure Virgin, have at the same time borne both God and man!

Katavasia: A helper and protector…

Canticle Three:

Irmos: Establish, O Lord, my unstable heart
On the rock of Thy commandments,
For Thou only art holy and the Lord.

Refrain: Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! (and so before each Troparion)

Behold the coming of the Lord,
And who shall endure the fear when He comes?
Who shall dare to appear before His face?
But prepare thyself to meet Him, my soul.

Let us go quickly while there is still time;
Let us lament, let us be reconciled to God before the end comes.
For the judgement is fearful
In which all of us shall stand naked.

I cry to Thee, O Lord:
Have mercy, have mercy on me,
When Thou shalt come with Thine angels
To give every man the due reward for his deeds.

How shall I endure the naked wrath of Thy judgement,
For I have disobeyed Thy commandment?
But in the hour of judgement,
Spare me, O spare me!

Turn back and lament, wretched soul,
Before the fair ground of life comes to an end,
Before the Lord shuts the door of the bridal chamber!

I have sinned as no other man before,
I have transgressed more than any man, O Lord:
Before the day of judgement comes,
Be merciful to me, Lover of mankind!


Simple Unity praised in Trinity of Persons,
Uncreated nature without beginning,
Save us, as in faith we worship Thy power.

Now and Ever… The Theotokion:

Undefiled Virgin,
Thou gavest birth without seed to the living Word,
Who took flesh in thy womb yet was not changed.
Glory to thy child-bearing, O Mother of God!

Katavasia: Establish, O Lord, my unstable heart…

Sessional Hymn, Tone 6 (as in the Slav books):

I think upon the fearful day and lament my evil acts.
What answer shall I give to the Immortal King?
And what boldness could I have as prodigal to gaze upon the Judge?
Compassionate Father, Only-Begotten Son and Holy Spirit, have mercy on me!


In the valley of lamentation, the place Thou hast appointed,
When Thou shalt sit, merciful Lord, to execute just judgement,
Do not publish my secret sins, or put me to shame before the angels,
But spare me, O God, and have mercy on me.

Now and ever… The Theotokion:

Virgin Theotokos, good hope of the world:
I ask alone for thy dread protection.
Have compassion on a defenceless people and pray to the merciful God
That our souls may be delivered from all danger, for thou alone art blessed.

Canticle Four:

Irmos: The prophet heard of Thy coming, O Lord
And was afraid
That Thou wert to be born of a Virgin and appear to men,
And he said:
I have heard the report of Thee and am afraid;
Glory to Thy power, O Lord!

Refrain: Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! (and so before each Troparion)

The day is upon us; the judgement is now at the door.
Be vigilant, my soul.
Kings and princes, the rich and poor are gathering,
And each shall receive the due reward for what he has done.

Monk and hierarch, old and young, slave and master:
Each shall be examined in his own order;
Widow and virgin shall be corrected.
And woe to all whose lives are sinful!

Thy judgement is without respect of persons;
No cunning argument or skill in speech
Can deceive Thy judgement seat;
False witnesses cannot pervert Thy sentence.
For every secret stands revealed in Thy sight, O God.

Do not let me come into the valley of lamentation, my Christ and Word;
Do not let me see the place of darkness;
Do not let me be bound hand and foot,
Cast out from Thy bridal chamber,
Because in my complete wretchedness
I have defiled the garment of incorruption.

When at the judgement of the world
Thou wilt separate the sinners from the righteous,
Count me as one of Thy sheep
And do not place me with the goats, loving Lord,
But may I hear Thy words of blessing.

When the trial takes place and books recording all our acts are opened
What shall thou do, miserable soul?
What answer shalt thou make before the judgement seat,
For thou hast no fruits of righteousness to offer Christ, thy Creator.

I hear the lamentation of the rich man in the flames of torment,
And in my misery, deserving the same condemnation, I weep and wail.
Therefore I entreat Thee:
Saviour of the world, have mercy on me at the time of judgement.


I glorify the Son and Spirit who come from the Father
As Light and Ray from the Sun:
The one begotten, the other proceeding and sent forth;
Divine and co-eternal Trinity,
Adored by all creation.

Now and ever… The Theotokion:

Every ear and mind are filled with wonder, Virgin Mother
At thy miracle, honoured Virgin,
For thou gavest birth, yet kept thy purity,
Bringing forth both God and man, a single Person with twofold nature.

Katavasia: The prophet heard of Thy coming, O Lord…

Canticle Five:

Irmos: Out of the night, watching early for Thee,
Enlighten me I pray, O Lover of man
And guide me in Thy commandments
And teach me, O Saviour, to do Thy will.

Refrain: Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! (and so before each Troparion)

Indescribable fear and trembling are there,
For the Lord will come trying the work of every man,
And who will not mourn for himself?

The river of fire devours and torments me;
The gnashing of teeth grinds me to dust.
The darkness of the abyss fills my heart with dismay,
And what can I do to gain God's mercy?

Spare, Lord, spare Thy servant;
Do not deliver me to the bitter tormentors,
To the cruel angels of hell,
Who will never let me be at rest.

Prince and governor together,
Rich and humble, great and small,
All alike are tried:
Woe to him who is not prepared!

Lord, pardon, remit and forgive all my sins against Thee;
Do not condemn me there, in the presence of the angels,
To the punishment of fire and to unending shame.

Spare, spare the work of Thy hands, O Lord.
I have sinned: forgive me,
For Thou alone art pure by nature,
And none but Thee is free from defilement.


Trinity, I praise Thee as Unity by nature
Without beginning, incomprehensible, supreme in sovereignty,
God and light and life, beyond perfection,
The Creator of the world!

Now and ever… The Theotokion:

The laws of nature, holy Virgin,
Are clearly voided by thy childbearing surpassing nature,
For thou gavest birth to God without seed,
Begotten before all ages from the Father.

Katavasia: Out of the night, watching early…

Canticle Six:

Irmos: With my whole heart I cried unto the compassionate God,
And He heard me;
And He lifted up my soul from the depths of hell
And from corruption.

Refrain: Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! (and so before each Troparion)

At Thy fearful coming, O Christ,
When Thou wilt appear from heaven,
When the thrones are set up and the books are opened,
Then spare, Saviour, spare Thy creature.

Since God is the Judge, nothing can help thee there:
No zeal, no skill, no glory, no friendship,
But only what thou hast gained in strength from thy works, my soul.

Prince and governor will be there together,
Rich and poor, my soul;
No father or mother will be able to help us,
No brother will redeem us from the condemnation.

Think, my soul of the fearful examination before the Judge;
In trembling, prepare thy defence!
Lest thou be condemned to the eternal bonds.

Do not let me hear thee say: take what is thy due! Lord,
As Thou sendest me from Thy presence;
Do not let me hear Thee say:
Depart from me into the fire of the accursed!
But may I hear Thy words of blessing to the righteous.

Deliver me, Lord, from the gates of hell,
From chaos and darkness without light,
From the lowest depths of the earth and the unquenchable fire,
And from all the other everlasting punishments.


I sing the praises of the triune Godhead:
Father, Son and Divine Spirit,
One sovereign principle
Divided in three Persons.

Now and ever… The Theotokion:

Thou art the gate, pure Lady,
Through which One alone has passed,
Entering in and leaving, yet not breaking the seal of thy Virginity:
Jesus, the creator of Adam, and thy Son.

Katavasia: With my whole heart I cried…

Kontakion, Tone 1

When Thou, O God, shalt come to earth with glory,
All things shall tremble
And the river of fire shall flow before Thy judgement seat;
The books shall be opened and the hidden things disclosed;
Then deliver me from the unquenchable fire,
And make me worthy to stand at Thy right hand, O Righteous Judge!


Lord of supreme love, as I think upon Thy fearful judgement seat and the day of judgement, I tremble and am filled with fear, accused by my own conscience. When Thou sittest on Thy throne and bringest all to trial, then no one will be able to deny his sins, for the truth will accuse him and terror will hold him fast. The flames of Gehenna will roar and the sinners will gnash their teeth. Therefore have mercy upon me before the end, // and spare me, Righteous Judge!

Canticle Seven:

Irmos: We have sinned, transgressed, done wrong before Thee.
We have not watched or done as Thou hast commanded us;
But do not give us up utterly,
O God of our fathers.

Refrain: Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! (and so before each Troparion)

Let us, faithful, fall down and lament
Before that day of judgment comes,
When the heavens shall be destroyed,
The stars fall and all the earth shall be shaken,
That at the end we may receive mercy from the God of our fathers.

The trial is without respect of persons,
And fearful is the judgement on that day;
Nothing escapes the Judge, no favour can be won with bribes.
But spare me, Master, and deliver me from all Thy fearful wrath.

The Lord comes to judge: who can endure the sight of Him?
Tremble, my wretched soul!
Tremble and prepare for thy wretched departure,
That thou mayest gain mercy and compassion from the God of thy fathers.

Terror seizes me when I think of the unquenchable fire,
Of the bitter worm, the gnashing of teeth, and soul-destroying hell;
Yet I do not turn to true compunction.
Lord, Lord, before the end, strengthen Thy fear within me.

I fall down before Thee and offer Thee my words as tears:
I have sinned as the harlot never sinned,
And I have transgressed as no other man on earth.
But take pity on Thy creature, O Master, and call me back.

Turn back, repent, uncover all that thou hast hidden!
Say to God, to whom all things are known:
Thou alone knowest all my secrets, O Saviour;
Have mercy on me, as David says, according to Thy mercy.


I sing the praises of the Three that are One in Essence,
Of the One that is Three in Persons:
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
One power, one will, one energy, one thrice holy God,
One sovereign Kingdom.

Now and ever… The Theotokion:

Virgin, God comes forth in beauty from the chamber of thy womb;
He is clothed as a King in the divinely-woven robe
Dyed mystically in thine all-pure blood,
And He reigns over all the earth.

Katavasia: We have sinned, transgressed…

Canticle Eight:

Irmos: Him whom the hosts of heaven glorify,
Whom the cherubim and seraphim dread,
Let every breath and creature praise, bless and magnify
Throughout all ages.

Refrain: Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! (and so before each Troparion)

Lord, when I think how I must meet Thee at Thy fearful second coming,
I tremble at Thy menace, I fear Thy wrath.
In that hour deliver me, I cry,
And save me forever.

When Thou, O God, shall judge all things,
Who among us earthborn, beset by passions,
Shall dare to stand before Thee?
Then the unquenchable fire and the destroying worm
Shall seize the condemned and hold them fast forever.

All that has breath, O Christ,
Thou shalt assemble to be judged together.
Then great shall be the fear and anguish;
And only our good actions shall help us forever.

Judge of all, my God and Lord,
On that day may I hear Thy words of blessing,
May I see Thy mighty Light, may I look upon Thy tabernacles,
May I behold Thy glory and rejoice forever.

Righteous Judge and Saviour, have mercy on me,
And deliver me from the fire that threatens me,
From the punishment that I deserve to suffer at the judgement.
Grant me remission through virtue and repentance before the end!

When Thou sittest on Thy throne, merciful Judge,
What fear will there be then,
When Thou revealest Thy dread glory, O Christ!
When the furnace burns with fire,
And all shrink back in terror before Thy judgement seat.

Let us bless the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit: the Lord.

I honour God one in essence,
I sing the praises of the three Persons,
Distinct, yet not differing in nature,
For there is one Godhead in the three:
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Now and ever… The Theotokion:

Christ has come forth from thy radiant womb
As a Bridegroom from His chamber,
And as a great light He has illumined those in darkness.
The Sun of righteousness hast shone forth as lightning,
Giving light to the world, pure Virgin.

Katavasia: Him who the hosts of heaven glorify…

Canticle Nine:

Irmos: Ineffable is the child-bearing of a seedless conception,
A Mother remaining pure.
For the birth of God renews natures,
So in all ages we magnify thee in an Orthodox manner
As the Mother and bride of God.

Refrain: Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me! (and so before each Troparion)

The Lord comes to punish sinners and to save the righteous.
Let us tremble and lament,
And call to mind that day when our hidden secrets will be disclosed
And He will pay us what is due.

Moses was filled with fear and trembling when he saw Thee from behind.
Then how, in my wretchedness,
Shall I endure to behold Thy face when Thou shalt come from heaven?
But spare me, compassionate Lord,
And look on me in mercy.

Daniel was afraid of the hour of trial,
And what shall I, unhappy one, feel
When I come to that terrible day, O Lord?
But grant me before the end
To worship Thee acceptably and to gain Thy Kingdom.

The fire is prepared, the worm is ready;
Yet ready also is the glory of rejoicing, the eternal rest,
The light without evening, the gladness of the righteous!
And who is he that shall be blessed
To escape the torment and inherit the joy?

Do not reject me from Thy presence, in anger, Lord;
Do not let me hear Thee sending me away accursed to the fire.
But let me then enter with Thy saints
Into the joy of Thine eternal bridal-chamber.

My mind is wounded, my body has grown feeble,
My spirit is sick, my speech has lost its power, my life is dead.
The end is at the door: and what shall thou do then, miserable soul,
When the Judge comes to examine thy deeds?


Father, the single source of the Only-Begotten Son;
Only light and brightness from the one and only Light;
And Thou, one only Holy Spirit from the one God,
True Lord from the Lord:
Holy Three in One, save me as I tell of Thy divinity.

Now and ever… The Theotokion:

The marvel of thy childbearing fills me with wonder,
All blameless Lady.
How didst thou conceive without seed Him whom none can comprehend?
How didst thou remain a virgin and yet become a mother?
‘Accept the miracle with faith!
Worship the Child that is born:
For all that He wills, He has the power to do!’

Katavasia: Ineffable is the child-bearing…


First the appointed exapostilarion of the Resurrection, then:

As I ponder the fearful day of Thy judgement and ineffable glory,
I am wholly filled with fear, O Lord,
And trembling in terror I cry:
When Thou comest upon earth, O Christ our God,
To judge all things in glory,
Then deliver me in my wretchedness from every punishment
And count me worthy, Master, of a place at Thy right hand.


Behold, the day of the Lord Almighty comes,
And who can endure the fear of His presence?
It is a day of wrath, of the burning, fiery furnace;
And the Judge shall sit, giving each the due reward of his works.

Now and ever… The Theotokion:

As I call to mind the hour of trial
And the fearful coming of the Master and Lover of mankind,
I tremble in every part,
And with a downcast face I cry to Thee:
My most righteous Judge, at the intercessions of the Theotokos,
Accept me in repentance
For Thou alone art rich in mercy!

The Praises

(5 stikhera of the Resurrection, then:)

Tone 6

I think upon that day and hour
When we shall all stand naked as men condemned
Before the Judge who respects no man’s person.
Then the trumpet shall sound
And the earth’s foundations shall shake:
The dead shall rise from their graves,
And men shall be brought together from all generations.
Then each man’s secrets will be openly brought before Thee,
And those who have never repented shall weep and lament,
Departing to the outer fire;
But with gladness and rejoicing
The company of the righteous shall enter the heavenly bridal chamber!

Verse: I will praise Thee, Lord, with my whole heart! // I will speak of all Thy marvellous works!

How shall it be in that fearful day and hour,
When the Judge shall sit on His dreadful throne!
The books shall be opened, and men’s actions examined,
And the secrets of darkness shall be made public.
Angels shall move quickly, gathering all the nations:
Come and hearken, kings and princes,
Those who were slaves and free,
Sinners and righteous, rich and poor:
For the Judge is come to pass sentence on all of the inhabited earth!
And who shall bear to stand before His face in the presence of the angels,
Calling us to account for our actions and thoughts by night or by day?
How shall it be then in that hour?
But before the end is here, make haste, my soul,
Crying: turn me back and save me, only compassionate God!

Verse: I will be glad and rejoice in Thee, // I will sing praises to Thy Name, O God most high!

Tone 8

Daniel the prophet, and greatly beloved man,
When he saw the power of God, cried out:
The court sat in judgement and the books were opened!
Consider well, my soul:
Dost thou fast? Then do not despise thy neighbour!
Dost thou abstain from food?
Then do not condemn thy brother,
Lest thou be sent to burn as wax in the fire.
But may Christ lead thee without stumbling into His Kingdom!

Verse: Arise, Lord my God, lift up Thine hand; // forget not Thy poor forever!

Tone 1

Brethren, let us cleanse ourselves with the Queen of virtues:
For behold her, bringing us a wealth of blessings.
She quells the uprising of the passions,
Reconciling sinners to the Master.
Therefore let us welcome her with gladness,
And cry aloud to Christ our God:
Thou art risen from the dead, only Sinless One://
Guard us, uncondemned, as we give Thee glory!


Repeat the above: Brethren, let us cleanse ourselves…

Now and ever… Tone 2

(The usual Theotokion: ‘Thou art most blessed…’)


(The Troparion of the Resurrection in the tone of the week, then:)

Kontakion of the Last Judgement, Tone 1

When Thou, O God, shall come to earth with glory,
All things shall tremble,
And the river of fire shall flow before Thy judgement seat,
The books shall be opened and the hidden things disclosed;
Then deliver me from the unquenchable fire,
And make me worthy to stand at Thy right hand, Righteous Judge!

Prokeimenon, Tone 3

Great is our Lord, and abundant in power; / His understanding is beyond measure!

Verse: Praise the Lord! For it is good to sing praises to our God!

Alleluia, Tone 8

Verse: Come, let us sing with joy unto the Lord!

Verse: Let us come into His presence with thanksgiving!

At ‘Lord, I have cried…’ we sing the prescribed stichera from the Octoechos and the Menaion.


The Aposticha from the Octoechos are omitted, and we sing the following in their place:

Tone 8

We are gluttons, who revel in our fallen nakedness;
Exiles banished from the face of God!
The delights of food have become exceedingly bitter for us!
Let us return through repentance, and enlist for the battle!
Let us complete the days of fasting, that our flesh may be cleansed.
Strengthening our hearts with the hope of grace,
Let us not labour for the food which perishes,
For the Lamb of God will feed us
On the radiant night of His Resurrection.
He is the Victim offered for us.
He comes to eat with us
On the night when His mysteries shall be accomplished:
The chains of darkness will be destroyed,
And we shall enter into the light of His Resurrection!

Verse: Until Thee have I lifted up mine eyes…

Repeat: We are gluttons, who revel in our fallen nakedness…

Verse: Have mercy upon us, O Lord…

Martyrs of the Lord
You sanctify every place and heal every ill.
Now therefore, intercede with Him
That He may deliver our souls from every wile and snare of the enemy!

Glory… Now and ever… The Theotokion in the same tone:

The powers of heaven sing thy praises,
Unwedded Mother full of grace,
And we glorify thy wondrous childbearing:
Theotokos, pray that our souls may be saved!

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