The day before the Sunday of the Last Judgement marks a commemoration of all those who have departed this life and Gone to their rest. This is the first of four such Saturdays 'of the dead' that occur during the annual Lenten discipline, and its position directly before the commemoration of the Last Judgement reminds us that all humankind, not only ourselves and those to come, but all those who have gone before us from the first moment of creation, will be called to account on the day of the great reckoning. Knowing that we live in a world filled with the consequences of human sin, the Saturday of the Dead is dedicated to praying on behalf of the members of this great human 'family' who now lie asleep in the Lord yet who continue to form an important part of our communal history of salvation.
The texts below are taken from the hymnography for the Saturday of the Dead, found in the Lenten Triodion.
Troparion of the Day, Tone 8:
O Thou who with wisdom profound orderest all things in Thy love for
mankind, who bestowest on all men, O only Creator, that which is best for them:
give rest, O Lord, to the souls of Thy servants, for they have set their hope
in Thee, our maker and Creator and our God.
The Evlogitaria of the Dead, in Tone 5:
Blessed are Thou, O Lord, teach me Thy statutes.
The choir of saints has found the Fountain of Life and the Door of Paradise;
may I also find the way through repentance. I am the lost sheep: call me back
and save me, O Saviour.
Blessed are Thou, O Lord, teach me Thy statutes.
O saints and martyrs who preached the Lamb of God and like lambs were
slain, who now are translated to the eternal life that knows no age: pray
fervently to Him, that He may grant us the forgiveness of our sins.
Blessed are Thou, O Lord, teach me Thy statutes.
All ye who in this life have trod the narrow way of sorrow, bearing the
Cross as a yoke and following Me in faith: come and receive with joy the
honours and the heavenly crowns that I have prepared for you.
Blessed are Thou, O Lord, teach me Thy statutes.
I am an image of Thine ineffable glory, even though I bear the marks of
sin. Take pity on Thy creature, O Master, and cleanse me in Thy
loving-kindness. Grant me the fatherland for which I long, making me once more
a citizen of Paradise.
Blessed are Thou, O Lord, teach me Thy statutes.
Of old Thou hast created me from nothing and honoured me with Thy divine
image; but when I disobeyed Thy commandment, Thou hast returned me to the earth
whence I was taken: lead me back again to Thy likeness, refashioning my ancient
Blessed are Thou, O Lord, teach me Thy statutes.
Give rest, O God, to Thy servants and establish them in Paradise, where
the choirs of the saints and the righteous shine as the stars of heaven. Give
rest, O Lord, to Thy servants who have fallen asleep, and overlook all their
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the
Holy Spirit.
With reverence let us praise the threefold radiance of the one Godhead,
and let us cry aloud: Holy art Thou, O Father who has no beginning, coeternal
Son and Holy Spirit. Illumine us who worship Thee in faith, and snatch us from
the eternal fire.
Both now and forever and to the ages of ages.
Hail, holy Virgin, who for the salvation of all hast borne God in the
flesh. Through thee mankind has found salvation: through thee may we find
Paradise, O Mother of God pure and blessed.
Troparion at Vespers, Tone 6:
Thy creative ordinance was my beginning and foundation. For Thou hast
willed to fashion me as a living creature from natures visible and invisible:
Thou hast made my body from the earth, and given me a soul by Thy divine and
quickening breath. Therefore, O Saviour, grant rest to Thy servants in the land
of the living, in the tabernacles of the Righteous.
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