St. John Chrysostom,
Homily 67 on Matthew
Matthew 21:12-13.
And Jesus went into the temple, and
cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables
of the money-changers and the seats of them that sold doves, and says unto
them, It is written, my house shall be called a house of prayer; but you have
made it a den of thieves.
This John likewise
says, but he in the beginning of his Gospel, this at the end. Whence it is
probable this was done twice, and at different seasons.
And it is evident
both from the times, and from their reply. For there He came at the very
passover, but here much before. And there the Jews say, What sign do you show us? John 2:18
but here
they hold their peace, although reproved, because He was now marvelled at among
all men.
And this is a
heavier charge against the Jews, that when He had done this not once only, but
a second time, they continued in their trafficking, and said that He was an
adversary of God, when they ought even from hence to have learned His honor for
His Father and His own might. For indeed He also wrought miracles, and they saw
His words agreeing with His works.
But not even so
were they persuaded, but were sore displeased, and this while they heard the
prophet crying aloud, and the children in a manner beyond their age proclaiming
Him. Wherefore also He Himself sets up Isaiah against them as an accuser,
saying, My house shall be called a house
of prayer. Isaiah 56:7
But not in this way
only does He show His authority, but also by His healing various infirmities. For the blind and the lame came unto Him,
and He healed them, Matthew 21:14
His power and authority He indicates.
But they not even
so would be persuaded, but together with the rest of the miracles hearing even
the children proclaiming, were ready to choke, and say, Do you not hear what
these say? And yet it was Christ's part to have said this to them, Hear ye not
what these say? for the children were singing to Him as to God.
What then says He?
Since they were speaking against things manifest, He applies His correction
more in the way of reproof, saying, Have ye never read, Out of the mouths of
babes and sucklings You have perfected praise? And well did He say, Out of the
mouth. For what was said was not of their understanding, but of His power
giving articulation to their tongue yet immature.
And this was also a
type of the Gentiles lisping, and sounding forth at once great things with
understanding and faith.
And for the
apostles also there was from hence no small consolation. For that they might
not be perplexed, how being unlearned they should be able to publish the
gospel, the children anticipate them, and remove all their anxiety, teaching
them, that He would grant them utterance, who made even these to sing praises.
And not so only,
but the miracle showed that He is Creator even of nature. The children then,
although of age immature, uttered things that had a clear meaning, and were in
accordance with those above, but the men things teeming with frenzy and
madness. For such is the nature of wickedness.
Forasmuch then as
there were many things to provoke them, from the multitude, from the casting
out of the sellers, from the miracles, from the children, He again leaves them,
giving room to the swelling passion, and not willing to begin His teaching,
lest boiling with envy they should be the more displeased at His sayings.
Now in the morning as He returned into the city, He was
an hungered.
Matthew 21:18
How is
He an hungered in the morning? When He permits the flesh, then it shows its
feeling. And when He saw a fig tree in
the way, He came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaves only. Matthew 21:19 Another evangelist says, The time of figs
was not yet; but if it was not time, how does the other evangelist say, He
came, if haply He might find fruit thereon. Whence it is manifest that this
belongs to the suspicion of His disciples, who were yet in a somewhat imperfect
state. For indeed the evangelists in many places record the suspicions of the
Like as this then
was their suspicion, so also was it too to suppose it was cursed for this
cause, because of having no fruit. Wherefore then was it cursed? For the
disciples' sakes, that they might have confidence. For because everywhere He
conferred benefits, but punished no man; and it was needful that He should
afford them a demonstrative proof of His power to take vengeance also, that both
the disciples might learn, and the Jews, that being able to blast them that
crucify Him, of His own will He submits, and does not blast them; and it was
not His will to show forth this upon men; upon the plant did He furnish the
proof of His might in taking vengeance. But when unto places, or unto plants,
or unto brutes, any such thing as this is done, be not curious, neither say,
how was the fig-tree justly dried up, if it was not the time of figs; for this
it is the utmost trifling to say; but behold the miracle, and admire and
glorify the worker thereof.
Since in the case
also of the swine that were drowned, many have said this, working out the
argument of justice; but neither there should one give heed, for these again
are brutes, even as that was a plant without life.
Wherefore then was
the act invested with such an appearance, and with this plea for a curse? As I
said, this was the disciple's suspicion.
But if it was not
yet time, vainly do some say the law is here meant. For the fruit of this was faith,
and then was the time of this fruit, and it had indeed borne it; For already John 4:35
are the fields white to harvest, says He; and, I sent you to reap that whereon ye bestowed
no labor. John 4:38
2. Not any
therefore of these things does He here intimate, but it is what I said, He
displays His power to punish, and this is shown by saying, The time was not
yet, making it clear that of this special purpose He went, and not for hunger,
but for His disciples' sake, who indeed marvelled exceedingly, although many
miracles had been done greater; but, as I said, this was strange, for now first
He showed forth His power to take vengeance. Wherefore not in any other, but in
the moistest of all planted things did He work the miracle, so that hence also
the miracle appeared greater.
And that you might
learn, that for their sakes this was done, that He might train them to feel
confidence, hear what He says afterwards. But what says He? You also shall do
greater things, if you are willing to believe and to be confident in prayer. Do
you see that all is done for their sake, so that they might not be afraid and
tremble at plots against them? Wherefore He says this a second time also, to
make them cleave to prayer and faith. For not this only shall you do, but also
shall remove mountains; and many more things shall you do, being confident in
faith and prayer.
But the boastful
and arrogant Jews, wishing to interrupt His teaching, came unto Him, and asked,
By what authority doest thou these
things? Matthew 21:23
since they could not object against the miracles, they bring forward against
Him the correction of the traffickers in the temple. And this in John also they
appear to ask, although not in these words, but with the same intent. For there
too they say, What sign do you show unto
us? Seeing that you do these things.
But there He answers them, saying, Destroy
this temple, and I in three days will raise it up, whereas here He drives
them into a difficulty. Whence it is manifest, that then indeed was the
beginning and prelude of the miracles, but here the end.
But what they say
is this: Have you received the teacher's chair? Have you been ordained a
priest, that you displayed such authority? It is said. And yet He had done
nothing implying arrogance, but had been careful for the good order of the
temple, yet nevertheless having nothing to say, they object against this. And
indeed when He cast them out, they did not dare to say anything, because of the
miracles, but when He showed Himself, then they find fault with Him.
What then says He?
He does not answer them directly, to show that, if they had been willing to see
His authority, they could; but He asks them again, saying, The baptism of John, whence is it? From heaven, or of men?
And what sort of
inference is this? The greatest surely. For
if they had said, from heaven, He would have said unto them, why then did ye
not believe him? For if they had believed, they would not have asked these
things. For of Him John had said, I am not worthy to loose the latchet of His
shoe; and, Behold the Lamb of God, which
takes away the sins of the world; and, This is the Son of God; and, He that
comes from above is above all; John 4:31
His fan is in His hand, and He will
thoroughly purge His floor. Matthew 3:12
that if they had believed him, there was nothing to hinder them from knowing by
what authority Christ does these things.
After this, because
they, dealing craftily, said, We know
not, He said not, neither know I, but what? Neither tell I you. Matthew 21:27 For if indeed they had been ignorant it
would have been requisite for them to be instructed; but since they were
dealing craftily with good reason He answers them nothing.
And how was it they
did not say that the baptism was of men? They
feared the people Matthew 21:26
it is
said. Do you see a perverse heart? In every case they despise God and do all
things for the sake of men. For this man too they feared for their sakes not
reverencing the saint but on account of men, and they were not willing to
believe in Christ, because of men, and all their evils were engendered to them
from hence.
After this, He
says, What do you think? A man had two sons; and he says to the first, go, work today in the vineyard. But he
answered and said, I will not: but
afterward he repented, and went. And he came to the second, and said
likewise. And he answered and said, I go
sir: and went not. Whether then of them two did the will of his father? They
say, the first.
Again He convicts
them by a parable, intimating both their unreasonable obstinacy, and the
submissiveness of those who were utterly condemned by them. For these two children
declare what came to pass with respect to both the Gentiles and the Jews. For
the former not having undertaken to obey, neither having become hearers of the
law, showed forth their obedience in their works; and the latter having said,
All that the Lord shall speak, we will do, and will hearken, Exodus 19:8 in their works were disobedient. And for
this reason, let me add, that they might not think the law would benefit them,
He shows that this self-same thing condemns them, like as Paul also says, Not the
hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be
justified. For this intent, that He might make them even self-condemned, He
causes the judgment to be delivered by themselves, like as He does also in the
ensuing parable of the vineyard.
3. And that this
might be done, He makes trial of the accusation in the person of an other. For
since they were not willing to confess directly, He by a parable drives them on
to what He desired.
But when, not
understanding His sayings, they had delivered the judgment, He unfolds His
concealed meaning after this, and says, Publicans
and harlots go into the kingdom of Heaven before you. For John came unto you in
the way of righteousness, and you believed him not; but the publicans believed
him; and you, when you had seen it, repented not afterwards, that you might
believe him. Matthew 21:31-32
For if He had said
simply, harlots go before you, the word would have seemed to them to be
offensive; but now, being uttered after their own judgment it appears to be not
too hard.
Therefore He adds
also the accusation. What then is this? John came, He says, unto you, not unto
them, and not this only, but; also in the way of righteousness. For neither
with this can you find fault, that he was some careless one, and of no profit;
but both his life was irreprehensible, and his care for you great, and you gave
no heed to him.
And with this there
is another charge also, that publicans gave heed; and with this, again another,
that not even after them did ye. For you should have done so even before them,
but not to do it even after them was to be deprived of all excuse; and
unspeakable was both the praise of the one, and the charge against the other.
To you he came, and you accepted him not; he came not to them, and they receive
him, and not even them did ye take for instructors.
See by how many
things is shown the commendation of those, and the charge against these. To you
he came, not to them. You believed not, this offended not them. They believed,
this profited not you.
But the word, go
before you, is not as though these were following, but as having a hope, if
they were willing. For nothing, so much as jealousy, rouses the grosser sort.
Therefore He is ever saying, The first shall be last, and the last first.
Therefore He brought in both harlots and publicans, that they might provoke
them to jealousy.
For these two
indeed are chief sins, engendered of violent lust, the one of sexual desire,
the other of the desire of money. And He indicates that this especially was
hearing the law of God, to believe John. For it was not of grace only, that
harlots entered in, but also of righteousness. For not, as continuing harlots,
did they enter in, but having obeyed and believed, and having been purified and
converted, so did they enter in.
Do you see how He
rendered His discourse less offensive, and more penetrating, by the parable, by
His bringing in the harlots? For neither did He say at once, wherefore believed
ye not John? But what was much more pricking, when, He had put forward the
publicans and the harlots, then He added this, by the order of their actions
convicting their unpardonable conduct, and showing that for fear of men they do
all things, and for vainglory. For they did not confess Christ for fear, lest
they should be put out of the synagogue; and again, of John they dared not
speak evil, and not even this from reverence, but for fear. All which things He
convicted by His sayings, and with more severity afterwards did He go on to
inflict the blow, saying, But you, when you knew it, repented not afterwards,
that you might believe him.
For an evil thing
it is not at the first to choose the good, but it is a heavier charge not even
to be brought round. For this above all makes many wicked, which I see to be
the case with some now from extreme insensibility.
But let no one be
like this; but though he be sunk down to the extremity of wickedness, let him
not despair of the change for the better. For it is an easy thing to rise up
out of the very abysses of wickedness.
Heard ye not how
that harlot, that went beyond all in lasciviousness, outshone all in godly
reverence. Not the harlot in the gospels do I mean, but the one in our
generation, who came from Phœnice, that most lawless city. For she was once a
harlot among us, having the first honors on the stage, and great was her name
everywhere, not in our city only, but even as far as the Cilicians and
Cappadocians. And many estates did she ruin, and many orphans did she
overthrow; and many accused her of sorcery also, as weaving such toils not by
her beauty of person only, but also by her drugs. This harlot once won even the
brother of the empress, for mighty indeed was her tyranny.
But all at once, I
know not how, or rather I do know well, for it was being so minded, and converting,
and bringing down upon herself God's grace, she despised all those things, and
having cast away the arts of the devils, mounted up to heaven.
And indeed nothing
was more vile than she was, when she was on the stage; nevertheless, afterwards
she outwent many in exceeding continence, and having clad herself with
sackcloth, all her time she thus disciplined herself. On the account of this
woman both the governor was stirred up, and soldiers armed, yet they had not
strength to carry her off to the stage, nor to lead her away from the virgins
that had received her.
This woman having
been counted worthy of the unutterable mysteries, and having exhibited a
diligence proportionate to the grace (given her) so ended her life, having
washed off all through grace, and after her baptism having shown forth much
self-restraint. For not even a mere sight of herself did she allow to those who
were once her lovers, when they had come for this, having shut herself up, and
having passed many years, as it were, in a prison. Thus shall the last be
first, and the first last; thus do we in every case need a fervent soul, and
there is nothing to hinder one from becoming great and admirable:
4. Let no man then
of them that live in vice despair; let no man who lives in virtue slumber. Let
neither this last be confident, for often the harlot will pass him by; nor let
the other despair, for it is possible for him to pass by even the first.
Hear what God says
unto Jerusalem, I said, after she had committed all these whoredoms, Turn thou unto me, and she returned not.
Jeremiah 3:7
we have come back unto the earnest love of God, He remembers not the former
things. God is not as man, for He reproaches us not with the past, neither does
He say, Why were you absent so long a time? When we repent; only let us
approach Him as we ought. Let us cleave to Him earnestly, and rivet our hearts
to His fear.
Such things have
been done not under the new covenant only, but even under the old. For what was
worse than Manasseh? But he was able to appease God. What more blessed than
Solomon? But when he slumbered, he fell. Or rather I can show even both things
to have taken place in one, in the father of this man, for he the same person
became at different times both good and bad. What more blessed than Judas? But
he became a traitor. What more wretched than Matthew? But he became an
evangelist. What worse than Paul? But he became an apostle. What more to be
envied than Simon? But he became even himself the most wretched of all.
How many other such
changes would you see, both to have taken place of old, and now taking place
every day? For this reason then I say, Neither let him on the stave despair,
nor let him in the church be confident. For to this last it is said, Let him
that thinks he stands, take heed lest he fall; 1 Corinthians 10:12
and to
the other, Shall not he that falls arise? Jeremiah 8:4
Lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees. Again, to these He
says, Watch; but to those, Awake, you that sleepest and arise from the dead. Ephesians 5:14 For these need to preserve what they have,
and those to become what they are not; these to preserve their health, those to
be delivered from their infirmity, for they are sick; but many even of the sick
become healthy, and of the healthy many by remissness grow infirm.
To the one then He
says, Behold, you are made whole, sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto
you; John 5:14 but to these, Will
you be made whole? Arise, take up your bed, and go unto your house. For a
dreadful, dreadful palsy is sin, or rather it is not palsy only, but also
somewhat else more grievous. For such a one is not only in inactivity as to
good works, but also in the active doing of evil works. But nevertheless,
though thou be so disposed, and be willing to rouse yourself a little, all the
terrors are at an end.
Though you have
been so thirty and eight years, and art earnest to become whole, there is no
one to hinder you. Christ is present now also, and says, Take up your bed, only
be willing to rouse yourself, despair not. Have you no man? But you have God.
Have you no one to put you into the pool? But you have Him who suffers you not
to need the pool. Have you had no one to cast you in there? But you have Him
that commands you to take up your bed.
You may not say, While I am coming, another
steps down before me. John 5:7
For if
it be your will to go down into the fountain, there is none to hinder you.
Grace is not consumed, is not spent, it is a kind of fountain springing up
constantly; by His fullness are we all healed both soul and body. Let us come
unto it then even now. For Rahab also was a harlot, yet was she saved; and the
thief was a murderer, yet he became a citizen of paradise; and while Judas
being with his Master perished, the thief being on a cross became a disciple.
Such are the wonderful works of God. Thus the magi approved themselves, thus
the publican became an evangelist, thus the blasphemer an apostle.
5. Look at these things, and never despair,
but be ever confident, and rouse yourself. Lay hold only on the way that leads
there, and you will advance quickly. Shut not up the doors, close not up the
entrance. Short is the present life, small the labor. But though it were great,
not even so ought one to decline it. For if you toil not at this most glorious
toil that is spent upon repentance and virtue, in the world you will assuredly
toil and weary yourself in other ways. But if both in the one and the other
there be labor, why do we not choose that which has its fruit abundant, and its
recompense greater.
Yet neither is this labor and that the
same. For in worldly pursuits are continual perils, and losses one upon
another, and the hope uncertain; great is the servility, and the expenditure
alike of wealth, and of bodies, and of souls; and then the return of the fruits
is far below our expectation, if perchance it should grow up.
For neither does toil upon worldly matters
everywhere bear fruit; nay but even, when it has not failed, but has brought
forth its produce even abundantly, short is the time wherein it continues.
For when you are grown old, and hast no
longer after that the feeling of enjoyment in perfection, then and not till
then does the labor bear you its recompense. And whereas the labor was with the
body in its vigor, the fruit and the enjoyment is with one grown old and
languid, when time has dulled even the feeling, although if it had not dulled
it, the expectation of the end suffers us not to find pleasure.
But in the other case not so, but the labor
is in corruption and a dying body, but the crown in one incorruptible, and
immortal, and having no end. And the labor is both first and short-lived; but
the reward both subsequent and endless, that with security you may take your
rest after that, looking for nothing unpleasant.
For neither may thou fear change any more
or loss as here. What sort of good things, then, are these, which are both
insecure, and short-lived, and earthly, and vanishing before they have
appeared, and acquired with many toils? And what good things are equal to
those, that are immovable, that grow not old, that have no toil, that even at
the time of the conflicts bring you crowns?
For he that despises money even here
already receives his reward, being freed from anxiety, from rivalry, from false
accusation, from plotting from envy. He that is temperate, and lives orderly,
even before his departure, is crowned and lives in pleasure, being delivered
from unseemliness, ridicule, dangers of accusation, and the other things that
are to be feared. All the remaining parts of virtue likewise make us a return
here already.
In order therefore that we may attain unto
both the present and the future blessings, let us flee from vice and choose
virtue. For thus shall we both enjoy delight, and obtain the crowns to come,
unto which God grant we may all attain, by the grace and love towards man of
our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom be glory and might forever and ever. Amen.
Homily 68 on Matthew
Matt. XXI. 33-44.
another parable. There was a certain householder, which planted a vineyard, and
hedged it round about, and dug a winepress, and built a tower, and let it out
to husbandmen, and went into a far country. And when the time of the fruit drew
near, he sent his servants to receive the fruits. And the husbandmen took the
servants, and beat some, and killed some, and stoned some. Again he sent other
servants more than the first: and they did unto them likewise. But last he sent
unto them his son, saying, It may be they will reverence my son. But when the
husbandmen saw the son, they said among themselves, This is the heir, come, let
us kill him, and let us seize on his inheritance. And they cast him out of the
vineyard, and slew him. When the Lord therefore of the vineyard comes, what
will he do to those husbandmen? They say unto Him, He will miserably destroy
those wicked men, and will let out his vineyard to other husbandmen, which
shall render him the fruits in their seasons. Jesus says unto them, Did ye
never read in the Scriptures, The Stone which the builders rejected, the same
has become the head of the corner?
Many things does He intimate by this
parable, God's providence, which had been exercised towards them from the
first; their murderous disposition from the beginning; that nothing had been
omitted of whatever pertained to a heedful care of them; that even when
prophets had been slain, He had not turned away from them, but had sent His
very Son; that the God both of the New and of the Old Testament was one and the
same; that His death should effect great blessings; that they were to endure
extreme punishment for the crucifixion, and their crime; the calling of the
Gentiles, the casting out of the Jews.
Therefore He puts it after the former
parable, that He may show even hereby the charge to be greater, and highly
unpardonable. How, and in what way? That although they met with so much care,
they were worse than harlots and publicans, and by so much.
And observe also both His great care, and
the excessive idleness of these men. For what pertained to the husbandmen, He
Himself did, the hedging it round about, the planting the vineyard, and all the
rest, and He left little for them to do; to take care of what was there, and to
preserve what was given to them. For nothing was left undone, but all
accomplished; and not even so did they gain, and this, when they had enjoyed
such great blessings from Him. For when they had come forth out of Egypt, He
gave a law, and set up a city, and built a temple, and prepared an altar.
And went into a far country; that is, He
bore long with them, not always bringing the punishments close upon their sins;
for by His going into a far country, He means His great long-suffering.
And He sent His servants, that is, the
prophets, to receive the fruit; that is, their obedience, the proof of it by
their works. But they even here showed their wickedness, not only by failing to
give the fruit, after having enjoyed so much care, which was the sign of
idleness, but also by showing anger towards them that came. For they that had
not to give when they owed, should not have been indignant, nor angry, but
should have entreated. But they not only were indignant, but even filled their
hands with blood, and while deserving punishment, themselves inflicted
Therefore He sent both a second, and a
third company, both that the wickedness of these might be shown, and the love
towards man of Him who sent them.
And wherefore sent He not His Son
immediately? In order that they might condemn themselves for the things done to
the others, and leave off their wrath, and reverence Him when He came. There
are also other reasons, but for the present let us go on to what is next. But
what means, It may be they will reverence? It is not the language of one
ignorant, away with the thought! But of one desiring to show the sin to be
great; and without any excuse. Since Himself knowing that they would slay Him,
He sent Him. But He says, They will reverence, declaring what ought to have
been done, that it was their duty to have reverenced Him. Since elsewhere also
He says, if perchance they will hear;
Ezekiel 2:5
not in
this case either being ignorant, but lest any of the obstinate should say, that
His prediction was the thing that necessitated their disobedience, therefore He
frames His expressions in this way, saying, Whether they will, and, It may be.
For though they had been obstinate towards His servants, yet ought they to have
reverenced the dignity of the Son.
What then do these? When they ought to have
run unto Him, when they ought to have asked pardon for their offenses, they
even persist more strongly in their former sins, they proceed to add unto their
pollutions, forever throwing into the shade their former offenses by their
later; as also He Himself declared when He said, Fill ye up the measure of your fathers. Matthew 23:32 For from the first the prophets used to
charge them with these things, saying, Your
hands are full of blood; Isaiah 1:15
and, They mingle blood with blood; Hosea 4:2
and, They build up Sion with blood. Micah 3:10
But they did not learn self-restraint,
albeit they received this commandment first, You shall not kill; and had been
commanded to abstain from countless other things because of this, and by many
and various means urged to the keeping of this commandment.
Yet, for all that, they put not away that
evil custom; but what say they, when they saw Him? Come, let us kill Him. With what motive, and for what reason? What
of any kind had they to lay to His charge, either small or great? Is it that He
honored you, and being God became man for your sakes, and wrought His countless
miracles? Or that He pardoned your sins? Or that He called you unto a kingdom?
But see together with their impiety great
was their folly, and the reason of His murder was full of much madness. For let
us kill Him, it is said, and the inheritance shall be ours.
And where do they take counsel to kill Him?
Out of the vineyard.
2. Do you see how He prophesies even the
place where He was to be slain. And they cast Him out, and slew Him.
And Luke indeed says, that He declared what
these men should suffer; and they said, God
forbid; and He added the testimony [of Scripture]. For He beheld them, and
said, What is it then that is written?
The stone which the builders rejected, the same has become the head of the
corner; and every one that falls upon it shall be broken. Luke 20:17-18 But Matthew, that they themselves delivered
the sentence. But this is not a contradiction. For indeed both things were
done, both themselves passed the sentence against themselves; and again, when
they perceived what they had said, they added, God forbid; and He set up the
prophet against them, persuading them that certainly this would be.
Nevertheless, not even so did He plainly
reveal the Gentiles, that He might afford them no handle, but signified it
darkly by saying, He will give the
vineyard to others. For this purpose then did He speak by a parable, that
themselves might pass the sentence, which was done in the case of David also,
when He passed judgment on the parable
of Nathan. But do thou mark, I pray you, even hereby how just is the
sentence, when the very persons that are to be punished condemn themselves.
Then that they might learn that not only
the nature of justice requires these things, but even from the beginning the
grace of the Spirit had foretold them, and God had so decreed, He both added a
prophecy, and reproves them in a way to put them to shame, saying, Did ye never
read, The stone which the builders
rejected, the same has become the head of the corner? This is the Lord's doing,
and it is marvellous in our eyes; by all things showing, that they should
be cast out for unbelief, and the Gentiles brought in. This He darkly intimated
by the Canaanitish woman also; this again by the ass, and by the centurion, and
by many other parables; this also now.
Wherefore He added too, This is the Lord's
doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes, declaring beforehand that the believing
Gentiles, and as many of the Jews as should also themselves believe, shall be
one, although the difference between them had been so great before.
Then, that they might learn that nothing
was opposed to God's will of the things doing, but that the event was even
highly acceptable, and beyond expectation, and amazing every one of the
beholders (for indeed the miracle was far beyond words), He added and said, It
is the Lord's doing. And by the stone He means Himself, and by builders the
teachers of the Jews; as Ezekiel also says, They
that build the wall, and daub it with untempered mortar. Ezekiel 13:10 But how did they reject Him? By saying, This man is not of God; John 9:16 This
man deceives the people; John 7:12
again, You are a Samaritan, and hast a
devil. John 8:48
Then, that they might know that the penalty
is not limited to their being cast out, He added the punishments also, saying,
Every one that falls on this stone, shall be broken; but upon whomsoever it
shall fall, it shall grind him to powder. He speaks here of two ways of
destruction, one from stumbling and being offended; for this is, Whosoever
falls on this stone: but another from their capture, and calamity, and utter
destruction, which also He clearly foretold, saying, It will grind him to
powder. By these words He darkly intimated His own resurrection also.
Now the Prophet Isaiah says, that He blames
the vineyard, but here He accuses in particular the rulers of the people. And
there indeed He says, What ought I to
have done to my vineyard, that I did not; Isaiah 5:4
elsewhere again, What transgression have
your fathers found in me? Jeremiah 2:5
again, O my people, what have I done unto you? And wherein
have I grieved you? Micah 6:3 showing their
thankless disposition, and that when in the enjoyment of all things, they
requited it by the contraries; but here He expresses it with yet greater force.
For He does not plead, Himself, saying, What ought I to have done that I have
not done? but brings in themselves to judge, that nothing has been wanting, and
to condemn themselves. For when they say, He will miserably destroy those
wicked men, and will let out the vineyard to other husbandmen, they say nothing
else than this, publishing their sentence with much greater force.
With this Stephen also upbraids them, which
thing most of all stung them, that having enjoyed always much providential
care, they requited their benefactor with the contraries, which very thing
itself was a very great sign, that not the punisher, but the punished, were the
cause of the vengeance brought upon them.
This here likewise is shown, by the
parable, by the prophecy. For neither was He satisfied with a parable only, but
added also a twofold prophecy, one David's, the others from Himself.
What then ought they to have done on hearing
these things? Ought they not to have adored, to have marvelled at the tender
care, that shown before, that afterwards? But if by none of these things they
were made better, by the fear of punishment at any rate ought they not to have
been rendered more temperate?
But they did not become so, but what do
they after these things? When they had heard it, it is said, they perceived
that He spoke of them. And when they sought to lay hands on Him, they were
afraid because of the multitudes, for they took Him for a prophet. For they
felt afterwards that they themselves were intimated. Sometimes indeed, when
being seized, He withdraws through the midst of them, and is not seen; and
sometimes while appearing to them He lays a check upon their laboring eagerness;
at which indeed men marveled, and said, Is not this Jesus? Lo, He speaks
boldly, and they say nothing unto Him. But in this instance, forasmuch as they
were held in restraint by the fear of the multitude, He is satisfied with this,
and does not work miracles, as before, withdrawing through the midst, and not
appearing. For it was not His desire to do all things in a superhuman way, in
order that the Dispensation might be believed.
But they, neither by the multitude, nor by
what had been said, were brought to a sound mind; they regarded not the
prophet's testimony, nor their own sentence, nor the disposition of the people;
so entirely had the love of power and the lust of vainglory blinded them,
together with the pursuit of things temporal.
3. For nothing so urges men headlong and
drives them down precipices, nothing so makes them fail of the things to come,
as their being riveted to these decaying things. Nothing so surely makes them
enjoy both the one and the other, as their esteeming the things to come above
all. For, Seek ye, says Christ, the kingdom of God, and all these things shall
be added unto you. And indeed, even if this were not joined, not even in that
case ought we to aim at them. But now in obtaining the others, we may obtain
these two; and not even so are some persuaded, but are like senseless stones,
and pursue shadows of pleasure. For what is pleasant of the things in this
present life? What is delightful? For with greater freedom do I desire to
discourse with you today; but suffer it, that you may learn that this life
which seems to you to be a galling and wearisome life, I mean that of the monks
and of them that are crucified, is far sweeter, and more to be desired than
that which seems to be easy, and more delicate.
And of this you are witnesses, who often
have asked for death, in the reverses and despondencies that have overtaken
you, and have accounted happy them that are in mountains, them that are in
caves, them that have not married, them that live the unworldly life; ye that
are engaged in crafts, you that are in military services, you that live without
object or rules, and pass your days at the theatres and orchestras. For of
these, although numberless fountains of pleasures and mirth seem to spring up,
yet are countless darts still more bitter brought forth.
For if any one be seized with a passion for
one of the damsels that dance there, beyond ten thousand marches, beyond ten
thousand journeys from home, will he undergo a torture more grievous, being in
a more miserable state than any besieged city.
However, not to inquire into those things
for the present, having left them to the conscience of those that have been
taken captive, come let us discourse of the life of the common sort of men, and
we shall find the difference between either of these kinds of life as great as
between a harbor, and a sea continually beaten about with winds.
And observe from their retreats at once the
first signs of their tranquillity. For they have fled from market places, and
cities, and the tumults amidst men, and have chosen the life in mountains, that
which has nothing in common with the things present, that which undergoes none
of the ills of man, no worldly sorrows, no grief, no care so great, no dangers,
no plots, no envy, no jealousy, no lawless lusts, nor any other thing of this
Here already they meditate upon the things
of the kingdom, holding converse with groves, and mountains, and springs, and
with great quietness, and solitude, and before all these, with God. And from
all turmoil is their cell pure, and from every passion and disease is their
soul free, refined and light, and far purer than the finest air.
And their work is what was Adam's also at
the beginning and before his sin, when he was clothed with the glory, and
conversed freely with God, and dwelt in that place that was full of great
blessedness. For in what respect are they in a worse state than he, when before
his disobedience he was set to till the garden? Had he no worldly care? But
neither have these. Did he talk to God with a pure conscience? This also do
these; or rather they have a greater confidence than he, inasmuch as they enjoy
even greater grace by the supply of the Spirit.
Now ye ought indeed by the sight to take in
these things; but forasmuch as you are not willing, but pass your time in
turmoils and in markets, by word at least let us teach you, taking one part of
their way of living (for it is not possible to go over their whole life). These
that are the lights of the world, as soon as the sun is up, or rather even long
before its rise, rise up from their bed, healthy, and wakeful, and sober (for
neither does any sorrow and care, nor headache, and toil, and multitude of
business, nor any other such thing trouble them, but as angels live they in
Heaven); having risen then straightway from their bed cheerful and glad, and
having made one choir, with their conscience bright, with one voice all, like
as out of one mouth, they sing hymns unto the God of all, honoring Him and
thanking Him for all His benefits, both particular, and common.
So that if it seem good, let us leave Adam,
and inquire what is the difference between the angels and this company of them
who on earth sing and say, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace,
good will towards men.
And their dress is suitable to their
manliness. For not indeed, like those with trailing garments, the enervated and
mincing, are they dressed, but like those blessed angels, Elijah, Elisha, John,
like the apostles; their garments being made for them, for some of goat's hair,
for some of camel's hair, and there are some for whom skins suffice alone, and
these long worn.
Then, after they have said those songs,
they bow their knees, and entreat the God who was the object of their hymns for
things, to the very thought of which some do not easily arrive. For they ask
nothing of things present, for they have no regard for these, but that they may
stand with boldness before the fearful judgment-seat, when the Only-Begotten
Son of God has come to judge quick and dead, and that no one may hear the
fearful voice that says, I know you not, and that with a pure conscience and
many good deeds they may pass through this toilsome life, and sail over the
angry sea with a favorable wind. And he leads them in their prayers, who is
their Father, and their ruler.
After this, when they have risen up and
finished those holy and continual prayers, the sun being risen, they depart
each one to their work, gathering thence a large supply for the needy.
4. Where now are they who give themselves
to devilish choirs, and harlot's songs, and sit in theatres? For I am indeed
ashamed to make mention of them; nevertheless, because of your infirmity it is
needful to do even this. For Paul too says, Like as you have yielded your
members servants to uncleanness, even so now yield your members servants to
righteousness unto holiness.
Come let us also therefore compare the
company that is made up of harlot women, and prostituted youths on the stage,
and this same that consists of these blessed ones in regard of pleasure, for
which most of all, many of the careless youths are taken in their snares. For
we shall find the difference as great as if any one heard angels singing above
that all-harmonious melody of theirs, and dogs and swine howling and grunting
on the dunghill. For by the mouths of these Christ speaks, by their tongues the
But is the sound of pipes joined to them
with unmeaning noise, and unpleasing show, when cheeks are puffed out, and
their strings stretched to breaking? But here the grace of the Spirit pours
forth a sound, using, instead of flute or lyre or pipes, the lips of the
Or rather, whatever we may say, it is not
possible to set forth the pleasure thereof, because of them that are riveted to
their clay, and their brick-making? Therefore I would even wish to take one of
those who are mad about these matters, and to lead him off there, and to show
him the choir of those saints, and I should have no more need for these words.
Nevertheless, though we speak unto miry ones, we will try, though by word,
still little by little, to draw them out of the slime and the fens. For there
the hearer receives straightway the fire of illicit love; for as though the
sight of the harlot were not enough to set the mind on fire, they add the
mischief also from the voice; but here even should the soul have any such
thing, it lays it aside straightway. But not their voice only, nor their
countenance, but even their clothes do more than these confound the beholders.
And should it be some poor man of the grosser and heedless sort, from the sight
he will cry out ten thousand times in bitter despair, and will say to himself,
The harlot, and the prostituted boy, children of cooks and cobblers, and often
even of slaves live in such delicacy, and I a freeman, and born of freemen,
choosing honest labor, am not able so much as to imagine these things in a
dream; and thus he will go his way inflamed with discontent.
But in the case of the monks there is no
such result, but rather the contrary altogether. For when he shall see children
of rich men and descendants of illustrious ancestors clothed in such garments
as not even the lowest of the poor, and rejoicing in this, consider how great a
consolation against poverty he will receive as he goes away. And should he be
rich, he returns sobered, become a better man. Again in the theatre, when they
see the harlot clothed with golden ornaments, while the poor man will lament,
and bemoan, seeing his own wife having nothing of the kind, the rich will in consequence
of this spectacle contemn and despise the partners of their home. For when the
harlot present to the beholders garb and look, and voice and step, all
luxurious, they depart set on fire, and enter into their own houses,
thenceforth captives.
Hence the insults, and the affronts, hence
the enmities, the wars, the daily deaths; hence to them that are taken captive,
life is insupportable, and the partner of their home thenceforth unpleasing,
and their children not as much objects of affection, and all things in their
houses turned upside down, and after that they seem to be thrown into disorder
by the very sunbeam.
But not from these choirs does any such
dissatisfaction arise, but the wife will receive her husband quiet and meek,
freed from all unlawful lust, and will find him more gentle to her than before
this. Such evil things does that choir bring forth, but this good things, the
one making wolves of sheep, this lambs of wolves. But as yet we have perhaps
said nothing hitherto touching the pleasure.
And what could be more pleasant than not to
be troubled or grieved in mind, neither to despond and groan? Nevertheless, let
us carry on our discourse still further, and examine the enjoyment of either
kind of song and spectacle; and we shall see the one indeed continuing until
evening, so long as the spectator sits in the theatre, but after this paining
him more grievously than any sting; but in the other case forever vigorous in
the souls of them that have beheld it. For as well the fashion of the men, and
the delightfulness of the place, and the sweetness of their manner of life, and
the purity, of their rule, and the grace of that most beautiful and spiritual
song they have for ever instilled in them. They at least who are in continual
enjoyment of those havens, thenceforth flee as from a tempest, from the tumults
of the multitude.
But not when singing only, and praying, but
also when riveted to their books, they are a pleasing spectacle to the
beholders. For after they have ended the choir, one takes Isaiah and discourses
with him, another converses with the apostles, and another goes over the labors
of other men, and seeks wisdom concerning God, concerning this universe,
concerning the things that are seen, concerning the things that are not seen,
concerning the objects of sense, and the objects of intellect, concerning the
vileness of this present life, and the greatness of that to come.
5. And they are fed on a food most
excellent, not setting before themselves cooked flesh of beasts; but oracles of
God, beyond honey and the honey comb, a honey marvellous, and far superior to
that whereon John fed of old in the wilderness. For this honey no wild bees
collect, settling on the flowers, neither do lay it up in hives digesting the
dew, but the grace of the Spirit forming it, lays it up in the souls of the
saints, in the place of honeycombs, and hives, and pipes, so that he that will
may eat thereof continually in security. These bees then they also imitate, and
hover around the honeycombs of those holy books, reaping therefrom great
And if you desire to learn about their
table, be near it, and you shall see them bursting forth with such things, all
gentle and sweet, and full of a spiritual fragrance. No foul word can those
spiritual mouths bring forth, nothing of foolish jesting, nothing harsh, but
all worthy of Heaven. One would not be wrong in comparing the mouths of them
that crawl about in the market places, and are mad after worldly things, to
ditches of some mire; but the lips of these to fountains flowing with honey,
and pouring forth pure streams.
But if any felt displeased that I have
called the mouths of the multitude ditches of some mire, let him know that I
have said it, sparing them very much. For Scripture has not used this measure,
but a comparison far stronger. For adder's poison, it is said, is under their
lips, and their throat is an open sepulchre. But theirs are not so, but full of
much fragrance.
And their state here is like this, but that
hereafter what speech can set before us? What thought shall conceive? The portion
of angels, the blessedness unspeakable, the good things untold?
Perchance some are warmed now, and have
been moved to a longing after this good rule of life. But what is the profit,
when while you are here only, you have this fire; but when you have gone forth,
you extinguish the flame, and this desire fades. How then, in order that this
may not be? While this desire is warm in you, go your way unto those angels,
kindle it more. For the account that we give will not be able to set you on
fire, like as the sight of the things. Say not, I will speak with my wife, and
I will settle my affairs first. This delay is the beginning of remissness.
Hear, how one desired to bid farewell to them at his house, 1 Kings 19:20 and the prophet
suffered him not. And why do I say, to bid farewell? The disciple desired to
bury his father, Matthew 8:21-22 and Christ allowed
not so much as this. And yet what thing seems to you to be so necessary as the
funeral of a father? But not even this did He permit.
Why could this have been? Because the devil
is at hand fierce, desiring to find some secret approach; and though it be but
a little hindrance or delay he takes hold of, he works a great remissness. Therefore one advises, Put not off from day to day. Sirach 5:7 For thus shall you
be able to succeed in most things, thus also shall the things in your house be
well ordered for you. For seek ye, it is said, the
kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33 For if we
establish in great security them that overlook their own interests, and prefer
the care of ours, much more does God, who even without these things has a care
for us, and provides for us.
Be not thoughtful then about your
interests, but leave them to God. For if you are thoughtful about them, you are
thoughtful as a man; but if God provide, He provides as God. Be not so
thoughtful about them as to let go the greater things, since then He will not
much provide for them. In order therefore that He may fully provide for them,
leave them to Him alone. For if you also yourself takest them in hand, having
let go the things spiritual, He will not make much provision for them.
In order then that both these things may be
well disposed for you, and that you may be freed from all anxiety, cleave to the
things spiritual, overlook the things of the world; for in this way you shall
have earth also with heaven, and shall attain unto the good things to come, by
the grace and love towards man of our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom be glory and
might world without end. Amen.
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