Saturday, 8 February 2014

Word on the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee and the feast day of St. Gregory the Theologian

Archimandrite John (Krestiankin)

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit!

My dear, our other three events, three memory must simultaneously resurrected today in our heart and mind. "Repentance E Open to the door, O Giver of life ..." - sounded again publicly in the churches of God. And looking pretty quiet time of repentance post. Evangelical Pharisee and the publican cause us today to look into your heart and see it or hypocritical: "... I do not like other people ..." - or, seeing there the abyss of sin to bow before God in humility Mytareva repentance ( Lk. 18, 11).
And the day of death of the great universal teacher and St. Gregory the Theologian, 25 January 389, the memory of which has survived sixteen centuries, if not remind us all of that to us someday all this knowledge, but no one knows all the expected, but very few people welcome the hour of death.
And what will justify our crafty Vseispytuyuschim conscience before the Judge? And when we compare our lives with the life of Gregory the Theologian, and their faith in faith it will not hesitate to break it from the bottom of our heart, penitential sigh publican, "God, be merciful to me a sinner" (Luke 18, 13).

How not to remember this day and the celebration of the icon "Soothe My Sorrows" in memory of the great blessings of the Mother of God, manifested by many miracles of God's people in Russia in 1771 in a terrible disaster - and to this day plague quenches our sorrow.

Three events from various times, but all three confirm one thing - human life is in the flow of God's, and wonderful care of the Creator is the creation of his own. Lord teaches, building us and His word of the gospel, and his life's choices and decisive invasion of human life by the power of the miracle of God's grace.

Here we are now living vain, we have no attention to see in your life traces of Divine Providence, we have no comprehension to understand what the Lord wants us to do in these circumstances, our lives.

And all this because we forget the sole purpose of life on earth, that it is - just a way to eternity. We forget, and often become cocky atheists, enemies of God's definitions of us, not taking an indisputable truth that the only cross feat life nachertyvaetsya his way to salvation - the blessed eternity. Only a narrow strait gate leads to heaven.

But the door of Divine Mercy standing open always, from the beginning to the end of the world. Just as we open the doors of fossilization of human hearts to God, it must learn to think about it.

Shall we talk to you today about all of this on the example of the Cross of the great universal teacher and St. Gregory the Theologian. And let's be careful, my dear, because I am sure that the wealth of life of the saint gives each of us the right thing to him.

Future hierarch Gregory was born in 328 in Greece in the family of noble birth: Orthodox Christian - mother Nonna and Gentile - the father of Gregory. Mother, deeply and sincerely devoted to the will of God, humbly went through the test sent - unbelieving spouse - combines intense spiritual life with practical activities. Praying for their loved ones, it is supported by the power of his prayer of mercy, and the result of its work was not slow to appear.

Father prelate not only believed in Christ and were baptized, but soon became an elder at first, and later bishop of Nazianzus. How many tears, and works righteous cost Nonne such transformation spouse, only God knows.

The son subsequently, with grateful love remembering her mother, said: "My mother, inherited from fathers holy faith, has imposed on his children UIS a golden chain. In the female body wearing manly heart, for it only touches the ground ... to life here through to prepare for heavenly life ... "And the crown of life Nonna - it's her husband, who became a bishop, her son Gregory - the great universal teacher, saint and theologian, and her son Caesar - a doctor who has reached great heights in the healing arts, But after reading the supreme happiness and good her to be an Orthodox Christian, and daughter Nona Gorgon repeated in many ways the life of his pious mother. Do not leave St. Nonna world is nothing but living monuments - their children, who were carrying in itself, and St. Gregory, and to this day the world is, it is not visible to anyone parent works.

And not to the current example of the mothers facing life-loving St. Nonna, because the most important thing of his wife, mother, God blessed her by nature, be a true Christian mother, because it is always the children lies the future of the world.

When Gregory learned to read, from a mother's arms, he was presented with the book of life - scripture. The mother opens the secret of his birth the young man while simultaneously giving the parent a will for life. "Executive is my mother's wish, - said Nona - remember, I beg you in the Lord, and now that I pray you to be perfect ..."

Gregory later his whole life to his election he was amazed. "I was vouchsafed Christ of the glory. First gave me the gift of a mother who prayed from the heart, and he (God) took me as a gift from her parents, and then night vision gave me the love of a chaste life "- wrote St. Gregory.

Carefully cultivate his son's mother, and help her works a miracle of God strengthened his soul.

Wonderful dream - a vision that struck his child's mind, it remains in the mind of the saint as the first tangible touch to the shrine. In deep sleep, he imagined that they stand beside him two beautiful maidens in white. The boy immediately felt that this was not mere mortals, to the question: "Who are they?" - He replied: "One of us - the cleanliness, and the other - chastity. We are coming to Christ the King. Son, connect your mind to our hearts, that you have brought us to heaven and placed at the light of heavenly trio. "

Purity and chastity - is the way to the heavenly homeland, the path to God.

The boy comes to youth, already knowing the true value of the virtues. He knows that he is not gold and riches, not brilliance of learning and wisdom are the true treasure of life, but the purity of heart and mind, purity of thought and body, but it should be kept as the apple of an eye. Gregory took the covenant as a child, carried, stored it in his youth. It is able to clean Gregory received from God the gift of a minister of the Word.

But now back in our day, we were willing to be with God. Who today can boldly say that he himself has kept these great in the sight of God's treasures - the purity and chastity, and gave them the notion of their children? Well, if you did not keep these virtues themselves and their children did not pass, only Mytareva humility, publicans penitential tone can purify the soul steeped in filth and wash the leper's body.
God be merciful to us sinners! ..

But look at yourself as a warning to the next period of the life of the saint. Early education at home ended Gregory. Pious mother, seeing her son firmness in virtue, without fear, let nine year old boy in a country far away to give him a full and rounded education.

Gregory went to Caesarea, where he first met the young Basil - also future prelate of the Church of Christ. From Caesarea Gregory went to Alexandria and then to Athens. World spread before the boys all his wealth, and all of its attractions.
On the threshold of adulthood, when leaving it to the new wide world, as God's warning, while sailing on the sea of Gregory's ever storm proobrazuya a future life's storms, waiting for him. Twenty days, not tea to stay alive, the young man was lying on the stern Gregory, begging God to "murderous waters of the sea was not deprived of his cleansing waters of baptism." At this time he was not yet baptized. That was when the young man made a vow to God to devote himself to, his whole life to Him.And if the first of its desire for God was a tribute to the mother of obedience, this vow - is a conscious and voluntary election of a narrow and unfortunate way vosled God.

You can not conceal the miraculous revelation given by God Gregory at this tragic time in his life. The young man was discovered that it was Mother's Prayer rebuked elements to destroy him. One of the satellites Gregory, along with him to commit the journey, saw the storm the ship approached the mother of Gregory, powerful ship took a firm hand and led him into a haven. Soon after this element appeased.

And Gregory, surviving a storm in his heart, he realized that his life and death are entirely in the hands of God. And he came to the capital of the empire, in the bustling world of a man in his innermost heart.

He lived in it for like a desert. His food was food deserts, clothing - clothing needs. He lived close to the imperial court, but did not seek a court.

Prelate recalled later: "For me, enjoyable piece of bread, I have a sweet seasoning - salt, and drink of sobriety - water. My best treasure - the Christ. "
And if the main thing in life - Christ, the entire life is subject to Him. Therefore, living in a great city, full of temptations, Gregory knew only two ways: the first and excellently led to the temple, the second - to the teachers of secular sciences.

God sent reinforcements to the boy friend, ally and sotainnika Basil, later called the Great. So the two of them began to grow from strength to strength, learning to conquer his spirit to God, and the flesh - spirit.

Here you may not agree with me, that exceptional times and exceptional circumstances nurtured so great pillars of the Church.But not at the same time there, and not in those circumstances there, and not whether those teachers attended the one who became the great apostate and persecutor of the Church - Julian the Apostate?

Yes, all three of them are said to be sitting at a desk for a while and even had friends. Why are the ways of men disagree?

Yes, it is work of Satan. And the way is broad that leads to destruction, narrow the road that leads to life. Each person chooses.

Lord! Help us!

Today, as in the IV century, holiness and apostasy exist side by side in a single life. Look, how dangerous it go, everything is close by - and salvation and destruction.

Youths Gregory and Basil, as an example to young people of our time, pure life found deep mind. Brilliantly After graduation, they both have taken another important step toward God, to be holy. They all died to the world, and the world is dead to them. Knowing the secular sciences, they moved into the desert to a perfect start to learn the science of life - science, to know God - and establish themselves in their knowledge and selection.

This time St. Gregory remembered with a special feeling. And then he wanted away from all worldly cares, away from the noise of mundane pure heart and mind ascend to God for life. But another definition of it was inscribed by God's. His desire for personal heroism sacrificed to the Holy Church, torn while numerous heretical false teachings. And the gift of words, the Gregory from God, he was called to serve the Church. "This gift I bring my God, this gift is dedicated to him - it is one that has remained with me and what I am rich, and from other things refused according to the commandment of the Spirit."
At thirty-three years of the adoption of priesthood ended in time for Gregory apprenticeship. And he went to the service of the future prelate preaching, relentlessly following the beloved Christ the Savior. For ten years he assisted his father Bishop pastoral ministry, sharing with him all his labors and hardships. After these ten years, St. Basil the Great, who was then already the Archbishop of Caesarea, Gregory devoted priest as bishop.

How then could be Bishop Gregory? From infant sheets past the path of spiritual growth in God until pustynnozhitelstva enriched knowledge and every kind of external and internal bearing in a divine light of - it was a holy bishop. Bishop was a saint, but the world-is sinful. And the prince of this world is suffering holiness, by all means sharpening depose her. And the flow of disaster falls on the ascetic. To the department, where he was ordained Bishop Gregory did not let the other bishop, in which prevailed the spirit of competition. Death of a loved saint follow one another, and only a heartfelt eulogy give the grief that is in our hearts. And only balm solitary prayer strengthens the sufferer. This desire to desert solitude is not leaving St. Gregory life: from the desert, he came out only at the call of the church, on a duty of obedience to her.

At the age of fifty years, begins the most intense feat saint. While the Orthodox Church of Constantinople was in its death throes. Flickering light of truth only in the catacombs. Forty-year rule of Arianism, which in itself was a terrible heresy led to numerous other sects. Misguided people, "sat in darkness and the shadow of death", indulged in endless "theological" controversy and debate. Artisans, shopkeepers, traders were arguing about the divinity of Christ, and this gave rise to disputes such monstrous blasphemies that people died forever. Those who passed this misfortune, the demon held captive luxury and unspeakable carnal passions.

And here in this hell hell was called St. Gregory - a humble old man, bent, haggard feats of fasting, prayer and tears. In Constantinople no one took seriously his appearance. In the house of his relatives had to make a home of St. Gregory Church, which he called "Anastasia", which means "resurrection." According to St. here was to revive completely limp was in Constantinople Orthodox teaching.

The first services and preaching it sounded in the empty house church. But did not last long. The first unfavorable impression of the elder-bishop soon gave the people a deep wonder and reverence for him. Loudly, clearly, powerfully sounded his word.

But more was going to St first just students, and then the congregation, the greater the resistance to it grew triumphant evil. The enemy of the human race, wound holy man at the top, rose to it with all your might. And only God kept the chosen one. Time and again the bishop with his congregation was stoned right during worship. Sacrament of Baptism, many took in his blood. But the kind of death he was not afraid of God St. And the other arm was preparing his heart enemy of all righteousness: slander, hatred, ridicule, betrayal of those whom St. Gregory pressed to his heart, as her children.

And never changed the whole armor of God, Bishop of the enemy - patience, humility, meekness. The work of God and sang his zeal to bear fruit. St. Gregory Edify Orthodox heretics humbled power of the Divine word, and all well taught her strict holy life.

So fought the enemy, the devil, the holy man. Fought for the Church, for the flock, for every lost soul - fought and won. The people of God became the true shepherd, and the restoration of Orthodoxy in Constantinople was committed. In 380, the Emperor approved the decree against heretics.

And last, the most important victory was gained great saint and teacher of the universal Church in the year 381 by the Second Ecumenical Council, which was held under the chairmanship of the St. Gregory. At this Council the truth of God's final triumph: the Church was unshakable until the end of the Creed - the key to our salvation. It is at the Second Ecumenical Council by the Holy Spirit through the Fathers was filled drawn at Nicaea and finalized symbol of our faith. And St. Gregory this Council approved the Patriarch of Constantinople.

But the lover of the desert that's when God tried to return to the desert. For the world church, preventing disagreements arose at the council at the election of its patriarch, the saint himself wished to escape into solitude, which he loved izmlada, who now wanted his soul.

Labors for St. Gregory asked Council to let him go to bed. In his farewell address, he summed up his labors for the glory of God. The saint said:

"Sorry," Anastasia ", which received the name of piety, because you revived us teachings, hitherto despised!

Sorry, the place of common victory over heresy, Constantinople, in which we have set up the tent (the Orthodox Church), forty years wear and wandering in the desert!

Sorry, the great and glorious temple, get the real greatness of the Word, the church after I make Jerusalem!

Sorry, Chair - This enviable and dangerous levels.

Sorry, cathedral bishops respected honor and brightness years.

Excuse me, which worship God in the sacramental meal!

Excuse me, Christ-loving and hospitable home, the assistant my weakness!

Sorry, fans of my words, I'm sorry ... and front concourse

Sorry, East and West!
For you and from you we suffer attacks: witness unto the one who reconciled us. And on top of that and even more so exclaim:

Sorry, Angels, and the keepers of my stay here, and departure from here.

Forgive me, Trinity, my imagination and strengthening.

Chad, a legend. "

And after this great saint and teacher of the Church went into the desert. Without leaving the desert in the last two years of life, the bishop of God, zealous for the truth of Christ, the Orthodox claimed his letters and poems. St. died at the age of sixty-two years. On the death of the Church of St. Gregory the Theologian, learned his name, tainnika God as bright propisatelyu and minister of Holy Trinity.

But his near-death poem:

"The last feat of life is at hand, bad swim over: so I see the hateful penalty for sin, and I see a gloomy Tartarus, a flame of fire, deep night, shame denunciations of cases that are now hidden. But mercy, Blessed, and give me a good night though, looking kindly on the rest of my life!

I suffered a lot, and my thought embraces fear, if not already started following me terrible scales of justice thy king? Let me carry your own fate, moved away and eagerly devoured by losing heart attack, but for you, who will live after me, I give the command: no use in real life, because this life is over. "

Unfathomable God. "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it will take only a certain Lord," - says the Bible (Proverbs 19, 21). An example of his lifetime confirms the truth of these words, and the example of his amazing for us.

The whole life of the saint was in the persecution, all in the works, all in much patience. Drove him, and he blessed, and selflessly worked for the glory of God for the spiritual good of the world. What was his short life! But for sixty-two years, he was able to do so much that to this day the world of his work to eat healthy spirit.

So see, my dear, that man can commit the power of the Spirit, the power of God!

I told you a little bit, but it makes it clear that we have absolutely no reason to get up before God, as a Pharisee. Bowed their heads, shall we say, "Yes, Lord! We are not like other chelovetsy who knew how to live in God, were able to humbly and full confidence to take all the hardships, they sent you on the path of life for salvation. "

Yes, we are, we do not dare to compare myself to them. We - the slaves neklyuchimye is.

The lives of many of us have already bowed themselves to a close, and we even now have not started to do any of the things that are commanded by God to make the earth. God, be merciful to us as sinners.


January 25 (February 7), 1993

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