As Trisagion Hymn of the Angels,
On the Publican and the Pharisee:
In hypocritically who live, he is removed from the Church;
Christ, however, is acquired by you, the humble, inside.
Publican and Pharisee
At the start the day with God Triodion, which many of our holy and God-bearing fathers, poets, moved by the Holy Spirit, beautiful and properly accounted for, filling the songs. First coined tripesnets - believe in the image of the Holy Trinity and, - the great poet Cosmas [ ] for the Great Holy Week, the Passion of the Lord and God and Savior Jesus Christ, wrote the song with a short name of each day in the acrostic. After he and other fathers, especially Theodore of Studios and Joseph [2 ] , following his example, were liturgical succession for the other weeks of Lent - at first for his Studion monastery, above all, they wrote tripesntsy, and then following the instructions of their fathers, and were Align and other religious books.
As the week ends of the main days, Sunday being the first and the eighth, the last day, the first song they have dated the second day, that is Monday. Accordingly, the third day, that is Tuesday - the second song, the fourth, the environment - the third, the fifth, Friday, - the fourth, the sixth, Friday, - the fifth, as the Sabbath - the sixth and seventh, the eighth and the ninth song sung every day. For in this way gave a divine Cosmas written for Holy Saturday chetveropesnets, although later at the behest of King Leo the Wise [ ] it has been expanded to the full canon monk Mark, bishop of Otranto.
This book is rightly called the triode [ ] , although it does not always contain tripesntsy - because it contains a full and canons - but I think it got its name from the fact that tripesntsy prevail in it, or from tripesntsev Great Week, which As described above, the first. The idea of our holy fathers is that a whole book Triodion briefly recall all the goodness of God to us from the foundation of the world as we have been made by him, as they were expelled from paradise sweets, rejecting the commandment given to us to improve, as they were cast out of envy first in malice serpent and the enemy, deposed for his pride, how to be put out of grace, and are led by the devil, the Son and Word of God for His mercy to accept suffering incline heaven came down and entered into the womb of a Virgin, became man for us and showed the way to his life Heaven - first of all, humility, fasting, a rejection of evil and other things, and as he took the suffering and risen, and again ascended into heaven, and sent down the Holy Spirit to His disciples and apostles, and they began to preach the Son of God, God's perfect, and as the divine apostle, promoting blagodatiPresvyatogo Spirit, by his preaching he had gathered all the saints from the earth, refilled mountain world - according to the original plan of founders.
Triodion and thought that the first three weeks, the Publican and the Pharisee, the Prodigal Son and the Second Coming - conceived as a kind of holy fathers predobuchenie and learning, that we tune in and get ready for the holy fasting spiritual feats, leaving nasty sinful habits.
First of all, in the first preparatory Week, fathers offer us the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican. Just as going to war at first was training under the direction of military commanders - to cleanse and perfected weapons and everything prepared properly by removing all obstacles carefully arm for the fight and take care of the necessities. Even before the battle voevodymnogokratno lead imboevye mottos, parables, stories, inciting nihboevoy in spirit, all laziness, fear, sadness, and so drives away evil. And divine fathers foretell the coming of post battle with demons to get rid of us accepted in the soul of passion and accumulated over a long time the poison, and then try to acquire those virtues which do not have, and so ready, armed to begin with vegetable feats.
As the main weapon for conquering virtue - is repentance and humility, and the obstacle to the praiseworthy humility - pride and arrogance, the Fathers primarily offer us to think about the present parable of the Gospel of God. Example Pharisee calls to get rid of passions of pride and arrogance, publican example - to get the opposite of the passion of repentance and humility. Pride, arrogance - the main and worst passion because it is because it came down from heaven, the devil, who had once been bright Lucifer, and become gloomy darkness. Because of this same passion our ancestor Adam was expelled from Eden. Thus, these examples are taught not to exalt the saints of his virtues, not enmity against your neighbor, but always keep humility: for God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Better to be a sinner and repent, than to be righteous and haughty. "I tell you, - said the Lord - that the tax collector went to his house justified more than the Pharisee." This parable urges not to be haughty to anyone, even a virtue, but always be humble and to pray to God with all my heart, even if it fell into the depths of evil - for salvation near. After all, the tax collector - is a tax collector who is very unjust way is making wealth. "Pharisee" also means someone "separated or excommunicated," and other superior knowledge of the law. "Sadducees" comes from the word "saddoik" that is "righteous" because "Zedekiah" means "truth." The ancient Jews had three exercises: Jesse, the Pharisees and the Sadducees, who do not believe in the resurrection, nor angel, nor spirit.
Prayers of all Thy saints pesnotvortsev, O Christ our God, have mercy on us.
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