Saturday, 6 April 2013

Archpriest Alexander Shargunov
In the Annunciation - all our holidays. All grows and blossoms of the Annunciation. It - Christmas : "I bring you joy, which shall be to all people." In it - the Cross and the Resurrection, and finally Pentecost. Our Lady, the whole is full of the Holy Spirit, as evidenced by the angel: "Hail, full of grace," hear the gospel: "The Holy Spirit will come upon you." This proclamation of Pentecost, the Church is called for from now rise from Pentecost to Pentecost, to reach the deification of man, Assumption, Ascension of the sacred humanity.
Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Christmas, Candlemas, entry into Jerusalem, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection of Christ

In Annunciation hidden secret worship the Cross of Christ, which the Church of Christ brings today.Our Lady receives the good news of the birth of the Word in the flesh eternally giving us eternal life: "May it be to me according to thy word." "Word of the devil deceived Eve - says St. John Chrysostom, - erected a tree which Adam was expelled from paradise. Word of Our tree erected a cross, which the robber - the image of Adam - is again in a paradise. "

Until now no one knew God in the fullness of truth, for God can be seen only in Christ the Redeemer."Let us see your face" - The psalmist prays. The mystery of the Annunciation opened when Christ in His death was the Son of God. God was more incomprehensible than ever - in the face of Christ's Passover, covered with shame and glory. He - the Lamb who stands and the Lamb, as evidenced by the revelation of the one mystery of the omnipotence of Christ's Resurrection and the ultimate weakness of his death (Rev. 5, 6). The strength and weakness, world domination and absolute humility acting in it at one time.
Death and life - inseparable in Pascha and differ only in our spirit. In Revelation, Christ comes as the Lion of Judah, bringing victory, and he is - the slain Lamb. At Easter, we sing: "Thou excite asleep mertvyya of old, royal rykavy, like a lion out of Judah." He - Shepherd countless herds, and he - Lamb, least of all in this herd, exalted slaughter.
To comprehend the greatness of God, our spirit should rush into two seemingly opposite direction - in height and depth, to the mystery of the Annunciation and the mystery of Christ's death on the cross.And that means - where the omnipotence of God, which supplies him infinitely above all creation, and the place where His refusal to approve his power to us. Who can get to the end of these two limits, and bring them into unity? It is impossible to truly know God without seeing him with the Holy Spirit in Christ crucified and risen, with His infinite power is His absolute devotion to Himself for us to slaughter.
There is no God in the image of human weakness - just as there is no power in him to human terms, for "the weakness of God is stronger than men." But humanly speaking about the mystery of the Incarnation, God reveals Himself in humility at the same time of Christ's death and the omnipotence of His glory. For God is love, and His omnipotence is nothing like His infinite love. We know that true love for the beloved is always humble and always sacrificial. Unfathomable mystery of God's humility and self-sacrifice - his appearing in the Annunciation and in the descent of our salvation, even to hell.It is a gift to the human race of absolute purity, wealth eternally love of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And taking this gift for all of us in the Mother of God at the Annunciation and her own Assumption - the gift of Christ descended into Hell, and with him the whole resurrected.
And eternity in Christ abide in humility and in greatness, while "most of all" and "Serving all."Adoration of the Cross and repentance, ending of Lent, the Church of Christ will come into jubilation of victory. The Lord commands us, when we are called to the feast, the last place - so that the owner of the house would say, "Sit taller." The parable is advised only last, but in fact this is the first. But at the feast of the Kingdom of God forever Christ seated in the first place, because He took the last thing anyone in the world can admire this place, which can take one God. For this is the greatness and glory of God is the divine power, unlike the idea of ​​the power and glory of the people. This is our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, in the marginal weakness gave Himself for the life of the world. And next to him - always holy and Immaculate Blessed Virgin Mary, the most to teach humility and love of Christ."Repre Queen at the right hand to you, in gilded robes blankets, preukrashenna." It is for everyone to accept the gift of the Annunciation, that for all the life was Christ and to die - the acquisition.
Archpriest Alexander Shargunov

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